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March Madness - Battle of the Books!

What is the Battle of the Books?

I want to share with you one of my absolute favorite experiences as an elementary school teacher – where sports and book collide! May the Battle of the Books or as I like to call it March Madness - Reading Edition begin . Trust me, it's not just a reading competition; it's a literary gem that turns our classroom into a hub of excitement and stories.

Up your ELA Engagement!

battle of the books march madness bracket slide displayed on computerImagine the scene: a room filled with eager faces, anticipation in the air, and the whispers of excited students waiting to share their favorite books. That's the joy that Battle of the Books brings to my students each year. And when we throw in the March Madness theme, it takes our reading challenge to a whole new level, transforming it into a spirited competition that's as thrilling as a basketball game!

Why Battle of the Books?

Let me tell you, the impact of Battle of the Books on my students is nothing short of incredible. Here's how this literary madness has made a lasting impression.

Build a Diverse Reading Palette

Battle of the Books introduces my students to a variety of genres and authors. 

fantasy books in shelf

From wild adventures to puzzling mysteries, magical fantasies to real-life tales, the varied book selections ensure that every reader discovers a story that speaks to their heart.

Community Building Through Books

This competition isn’t just about reading; it's about building a reading family. My students form mini book clubs, dive into animated discussions, and even plot strategies on which books might clutch the next victory. Witnessing them bond over the joy of literature warms my teacher heart!

How does March Madness, the Battle of the Books version work?


worksheets to help with voting
Teachers typically initiate the process by selecting a diverse range of books across various genres and reading levels. I like to use books nominated by students as well as books we have read in groups or as a class throughout the year. As March approaches, I'll start organizing the bracket-style competitions where books face off against each other in head-to-head battles. Before having books face-off, I like to ask questions during our class discussion to cover plot details, character traits, literary themes, and more as the students advocate for the book of their choice. Then students vote for the book of their choice in each head-to-head match. The winning book moves onto the next round. This builds excitement as the competition progresses, leading up to the crowning of the ultimate champion team.


My Little Secret Weapon for Your Bulletin Board

Now, if you're thinking of bringing this reading frenzy into your own classroom,

Bulletin Board Kit - supporting product for this idea

I've got a little secret weapon for you – the Battle of the Books March Madness Bulletin Board Kit. Trust me, it's like the fairy godmother of bulletin boards, making the setup a breeze and adding that extra sparkle to your literary adventure.

Check it out and let the bookish magic begin! 

Happy Reading, everyone!

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